here are some books podcasts, websites, youtube movies, TED talks that I value

Here are the recent materials that I find valuable and use in my day to day life/work. there is so much more. I will be trying to update and add inspirations regularly.

Russ Harris

"Happiness trap", "Confidence Gap" ( there is an audiobook version), "Reality Slap" and generally books and youtube animations by Russ

Tara Brach

Tara has great Podcast with talks and guided meditations that can be downloaded on to your phone, very portable. Here is a link to Tara's website where all talks and guided meditations are accessible too.

thriving adolescent 

"Get out of Your Mind and Into Your Life for Teens: a Guide to Living an Extraordinary Life" by J.Ciarrocchi, L.Hayes, A Bailey
"Stuff that sucks" by Ben Sedley
"Superhero Therapy: a Hero's Journey through Acceptance and Commitment Therapy" by J.Scarlet
Smiling Mind App - great app with meditations geared towards different ages
 below is a link to thriving adolescent website with videos and materials supporting work with young people,

IFS  videos